The landscape department is divided into two sections, a design branch and a maintenance branch. The buildings, many street medians, trees on City streets, playgrounds, and pubic open spaces are maintained by the landscape department.
The design branch is composed of a landscape architect. The landscape architect provides professional lanscape architectural services to the City's administration and guidance to the landscape maintenance branch. It is the landscape architect's role to educate the community by increasing the public's awareness of the benefit of designing and maintaining a quality built environment, which consist of but no limited to, parks, streets, public open spaces and building grounds. The landscape architect is also in charge of the City's urban forest and waterfront.
The maintenance branch is responsible for implementing the plans of the City landscape architect and maintaining the existing grounds and areas in a manner that best displays the character, function, location, and uses of these areas. The maintenance branch is staffed by a landscape supervisor, foreman, assistant formen, landscape laborers.