Phone: 601-634-4553
Fax: 601-631-3778
Location: 2nd Floor, City Hall, Suite 212
Homestead Exemption is a privilege of tax exemption offered to eligible taxpayers by the State of Mississippi on the Ad Valorem property taxes. An application must be filed with the county in which the resident has primary residence to determine if they qualify for this exemption. There are two types of exemption, REGULAR and ADDITIONAL.
Regular exemption is for the property of a homeowners primary residence or in the case of when an income producing activity is located on the property of primary residence. The Additional exemption for Homestead is only for applicants who are either over the age of 65 or disabled under the definition set out in the Federal Social Security Act, the Railroad Retirement Act, or the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
For more information about Homestead Exemption contact the Warren County Tax Collectors office, located at the New Court House at 1001 Cherry St., Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm, or call them at (601) 638-6181.