Phone: 601-634-4513
Emergency: 601-831-8086
Fax: 601-634-6881
Funeral Homes, Directors & Interments
Last Updated: 22 February 2015
Funeral Homes must follow all ordinances and policies of the Cemetery regarding Interments, Dis-Interments, Funerals, Funeral Processsions and Traffic Control and Offenses.
All Interments and Dis-Interments, including the burial of Cremains (ashes), will be by the Cemetery Manager and his staff after all involved have followed the policy for Interment or Dis-Interment.
Funeral Homes/Directors will hand deliver to the Cemetery Manager or designated staff immediately before or after burial, a metal marker encasing a printed or typed information card with at least the following information: Name of Funeral Home, Name of deceased buried, Date of Birth of deceased and Date of Death of deceased.
If the Funeral Director or Funeral Home is paying the fees for its customers, it is the responsibility of the Funeral Home to provide all ordinance and policy information regarding the cemetery to the appropriate family member or person responsible for the burial (interment) prior to the day of burial (interment).
All funeral processions in the cemetery must first be approved by the Cemetery Manager. It is the responsibility of the Director of the Funeral or Funeral Home to provide for traffic control in the Cemetery if needed.
Pauper interments must be designated by Warren County with notice sent by fax from the Chancery Clerk's office of Warren County to the City Clerk's office. The location of Pauper Interments will be assigned by the City. Infant Interments, if "Perpetual Easement for Interment" is not purchased, are at the location assigned by the City. No monuments of any type may be placed in the Pauper Interment areas or Infant Interment site.
For more information, please refer to the article concerning Ordinances and Policies.
The City of Vicksburg's Cedar Hill Cemetery office located at 326 Lovers Lane may be reached by phone, during the hours of 7:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday, at (601) 634-4513 or by fax at (601) 634-6881. If calling after hours, you may leave a voice message for a return call during regular office hours. Please state clearly your first and last name, phone number and a brief reason for calling.