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**** Tombstone Data Credit ****

 The original source for these tombstone records is the 1985 typed manuscript books authored by Mr. Walter and Mrs. Annie Salassi, now deceased. The City obtained permission to publish these records to the internet from the Salassi heirs who believe it is in accordance with the purpose the Salassis’ set out to accomplish in recording tombstone information of the City’s Cedar Hill Cemetery. The City, along with the heirs to Walter and Annie Salassi, do not assume any responsibility for any inaccuracies in the data. These records are for general reference information and any information should be verified by his or her personal fieldwork, along with the use of other sources.

These records may not be updated with the current burial data. For that information please see our Interments Database.

Deceased Description Notes
Buck, Little Marion Lot 1 of Square 190 of Div A All Tombstones. Buck, Richard S 12 Jan 1893 - 18 Sep 1892 Buck, Charles 18 Feb 1788 - 12 Oct 1870 Buck, Lucy 10 Apr 1798 - 5 Oct 1870 Buck, Charles L x x 1824 - 10 Sep 1862 Buck, Juliana S 31 Oct 1836 - 26 Jun 1890 Crandell, Nevill Buck 15 Aug 1886
Robinson, William Gordon Lots 1 & 2 of Square 96 of Div B All Tombstones. McRae, Virginia Rowlett 20 Sep 1843 - 45 Jun 1945 McRae, Alexander Brooks 7 Feb 1845 - 22 Jul 1846 children of W M & Indianna McRae one stone for following four names: McRae, William x x 1818 - x x 1869 McRae, Indiana H x x 1819 -
Gamble, Andrew Jackson Purchased Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4 All Tombstones. Gamble, Annie A. 8 Nov 1861 - 17 Jul 1913 Gamble, Frank P. 4 Aug 1853 - 21 Jan 1909 Gamble, Robert A. husband 14 Jan 1894 - 8 Apr 1932 Gamble, Jane Elizabeth d/ R. A. & M. I. Gamble X X XXXX - 2 Apr 1920 Gamble, Andrew 2 Feb
Helmer, Johanna Alliwina Lot 2 of Square 192 of Div A All Tombstones. Helmer, H J age 45 yrs x x xxxx - 17 Jun 1854 Helmer, Johanna Alliwina age 16 mo x x xxxx - 11 Apr 1847 one big stone, new, for following: Yoste, Bernard father 58 yrs x x xxxx - 22 May 1863 Yoste, Mary mother 75 yrs x x xxxx
Jewell, Lydia, Mrs. Lots 3 & 4 of Square 37 of Div B All Tombstones. Hughes, Thomas R Beck 15 Sep 1887 - 26 May 1946 Jewell, Mrs. Lydia 74 yrs. b. Marshfield, Mass, in 1775 moved to Litchfield; 1836 moved to Vicksburg, Miss. 5 May 1772 - 20 Mar 1847 Large Shaft: Beck, R F age 52 yrs x x xxxx - 18 Au
Eggleston, Dick H. Purchased lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 All Tombstones. Read, Robert Henry b. Georgetown, Ky X X XXXX - 17 Sep 1855 Eggleston, Robert Read s/E. T. & M. E. Eggleston X X XXXX - 24 Aug 1878 broken, flat on ground Eggleston, John Fox w / E. T. Eggleston X X XXXX - 30 Aug 1878 br
Moore, Robert L Lots 7,8,9,10,&11 of Square 25 of Div B All Tombstones. no visible graves in these lots except approximately Lot 8 Approximately Lot 11 at North end a small partial Lot with pipe border: Steffon, Ottlie x x xxxx - 8 Jan 1918 Russell, Nellie 45 yrs x x xxxx - 11 Aug 1915 Russell, Mart
Thomas, James L Lot 3 of Square 66 of Div B All Tombstones. Thomas, James L s/J M & W Thomas x x xxxx - 9 Feb 1847 Thomas, William S s/Wm Thomas & Anne E Thomas x x xxxx - 28 May xxxx
Jackson, S M
not known Lot 2 of Square 58 of Div B All Tombstones. Stone flat on ground, broken unable to read woman s name; rest reads: Consor of William Porterfield and her 2 infant children x x xxxx - 27 Dec 1846
Bancks, Benjamine W Lot 4 of Square 49 of Div B All Tombstones. Bancks, Thomas 9 Nov 1812 - 28 Mar 1845 Bancks, Benjamine W 19 Apr 1816 - 28 Sep 1846 Bancks, Christopher 9 Nov 1810 - 14 May 1850 (one stone for all of above)
Nossle, Peter Lots 1&2 of Square 205 A of Div A All Tombstones. Hutcheson, David Dennis s/ G W & M Hutcheson 3 yrs x x xxxx - 9 Jul 1863 Hutcheson, William Louis s/G W & M Hutcheson 8 mo x x xxxx - 6 Nov 1866 Hutcheson, Geo W s/G W & Maria Hutcheson 16 yrs x x xxxx - 27 Aug 1878 Hutcheson, Maria w/
Boylan, Samuel M Lot 4 of Square 53 B of Div C All Tombstones. Boylan, Samuel M s/Wm & Elizabeth Boylan of N. C. 22 Nov 1812 - 23 Aug 1846
McRae, Alexander Brooks Lots 1 & 2 of Square 96 of Div B All Tombstones. McRae, Virginia Rowlett 20 Sep 1843 - 45 Jun 1945 McRae, Alexander Brooks 7 Feb 1845 - 22 Jul 1846 children of W M & Indianna McRae one stone for following four names: McRae, William x x 1818 - x x 1869 McRae, Indiana H x x 1819 -
Barnett, Maria A S Lot 2 of Square 19 of Div B All Tombstones. Hawks, Catherine N age 24 yrs x x xxxx - 24 Oct 18- - (large flat & broken slab) Barnett, Maria A S x x xxxx - 17 Apr 1846 Hutton, Mary J age 78 yrs x x xxxx - 7 Aug 1921 Granton, Mary age 41 yrs x x xxxx - 7 Sep 1918
Dickson, Harris Lot 1 of Square 211 C of Div A All Tombstones. Dickson, Nell Stout 3 Mar 1883 - 16 Nov 1956 Dickson, Thomas Hyde 15 Nov 1876 - 27 Aug 1939 Stout, Frances Farish x x xxxx - 17 May 1919 Stout, William Farish no dates Geesler, A A 18 Apr 1841 - 9 Aug 1913 Geesler, Louisa N 21 Mar
Oneill, John James Lot 3 of Square 23 of Div C All Tombstones. Hossley, Thomas J 4 Jul 1849 - 8 Jun 1920 Hossley, Ameliam 21 Nov 1954 - 31 Jan 1929 Oneill, John James 27 Oct 1874 - 3 Mar 1846 Oneill, Carolyne H 29 Oct 1874 - 27 Feb 1955 Hossley, Josephine dau/T J & A Hossley age 1 yr 7 mo 22 day
Reading, Sophia Attwood Lot 3 of Square 19 of Div B All Tombstones. Reading, Sophia E 9 Jul 1817 - 30 Oct 1849 Reading, Sophia Attwood d/A B & S Reading 7 Aug 1844 - 19 Feb 1846 Reading, - - - - - sister of A B Reading (broken) 14 Jun 1822 - 24 Sep 1841 Stone broken; Annie Eliza dau of M &
Stewart, Honora S Lot 1 of Square 92 of Div B All Tombstones. McNamara, F X Barney 11 Feb 1881 - 8 Jul 1935 McNamara, Margaret A mother 21 Feb 1882 - 30 Sep 1948 McNamara, John C 21 Mar 1920 - 21 Mar 1984 Steward, Honora S b. Co. Cork Ireland age 24 yrs x x xxxx - 22 Dec 1845 McNamara, Norm
Lum, Annie G Lots 1,2,3,&4 of Square 195 of Div A All Tombstones. Lane, Newton Vick father 29 Jun 1825 - 12 Jan 1897 Lane, John Rev. b. VIrginia d. in his 67th year came to the Territory of 1816 8 Apr 1789 - 10 Oct 1855 Lane, John M, MD s/Rev John & Sarah Lane 28 Jun 1831 - 13 Oct 1855 Vick
