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* These records only go back to 1967.

Name Burial Date Division Square Lot Description
Brooks, Cynthia Gail Thomas 12/17/2024 F 31-36 ST. NGS,NE1/4,Lot ST.BT.10-2,Sq.31-36,Div.F
Maniel, Shquira 12/20/2024 N 10 15 NGS, SW1/4, Lot 15, Sq. 10, Div. N
LaBarre, Jacqueline Selby 12/21/2024 B 24 3 SGS, SE1/4, Lot 3, Sq. 24, Div. B
Burden, Alton 12/22/2024 N 7 20 SGS, NW1/4, Lot 20, Sq. 7, Div. N
Spring, Annette McClung 12/27/2024 C 136 SE NGS, SE1/4, Lot SE, Sq. 136, Div. C
Walker, Lillian Viola 01/02/2025 N 4 28 NGS, NW1/4, Lot 28, Sq. 4, Div. N
Cox, Scott James 01/04/2025 N 6 37 NGS, SW1/4, Lot 37, Sq. 6, Div. N
Henry, Shirley M. 01/04/2025 N 10 14 SGS, SE1/4, Lot 14, Sq. 10, Div. N
Jordan, Lavonne 01/04/2025 N 8 27 SGS, NW1/4, Lot 27, Sq. 8, Div. N
Buck-Jones, Ruby Lee 01/11/2025 M 2 195 SGS, NW1/4, Lot 195, Sq. 2, Div. M
Zagorski, Marjorie 01/11/2025 A 136 Div. A, Lot 136
Mason, Angella 01/12/2025 N 9 21 NGS, NE1/4, Lot 21, Sq. 9, Div. N
Grey, Fairy Lowry 01/14/2025 F 2 2 NGS, NE1/4, Lot 2, Sq. 2, Div. F
Woodson, Joe Jr. 01/18/2025 F 93/83 NGS, SE1/4, Lot 9-1, Sq. 93-83, Div. F
Bass, Richard Redale 01/19/2025 N 5 39 SGS, NE1/4, Lot 39, Sq. 5, Div. N
Benard, Andrew 01/19/2025 N 5 23 SGS, NE1/4, Lot 23, Sq. 5, Div. N
Hales, Elizabeth Gray 01/19/2025 C 44 NW, NW1/4, Sq. 44, Div. C
Hollis, Mari Ann 01/21/2025 M 2 158 NGS, SE1/4, Lot 158, Sq. 2, Div. M
Kestenbaum, Kenneth Lake 01/22/2025 A 107 4 Div. A, Sq. 107, Lot 4
Carson, Debra Louise Blackmore 01/25/2025 N 10 1 SGS, SW1/4, Lot 1, Sq. 10, Div. N
