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* These records only go back to 1967.

Name Burial Date Division Square Lot Description
Foster, Rosie Lee 11/24/2020 F 2 34 NGS,SW1/4,Lt.34,Sq.2,Div.N/W F
O'Neal, La Tonya S. 11/25/2020 N 5 5 SGS,S/E 1/4,Lt.5,Sq.5,Div.N
Kelley, Claire 11/27/2020 N 1 21 SGS,NE1/4,Lt.21,Sq.1,Div.N
Boyd, Aruther 11/28/2020 M 2 189 NGS,SW1/4,,Lt.189, Sq.2,Div.M
Ford, Myrtis 11/28/2020 D 217 10 NGS,SE1/4,Lt.10,Sq.217,Div.D
Fowler,Jack 11/28/2020 D 188 West West Lot, Sq.188-175,Div. D
Shell, Tracey 11/28/2020 N 5 14 SGS,NW1/4,Lt.14,Sq.5,Div.N
Jeffers, Ray Lavon 11/30/2020 M 1 2 SGS,NE1/4,Lt.2,Sq.1,Div.M
Bailey, Arin -Baby 12/02/2020 F 74 8 NGS,S/E1/4,Lt.8,Sq.74,Div.F
Davenport, Gary Odell 12/02/2020 N 5 26 SGS,NE1/4,Lt.26,Sq.5,Div.N
Scott, Medgar D. 12/05/2020 N 5 27 SGS,SW1/4,Lt.27,Sq.5,Div.N
Bagby, James 12/08/2020 F 32 5 NGS,NE1/4,Lt.5,Sq.32,Div.F
Beausoloel, Patricia 12/08/2020 F 2 43 NGS,SE1/4,Lt.43,Sq.2,Div.F N/W
Woodrick, Nellie 12/09/2020 F 8 8 NGS,SE1/4,Lt.8,Sq.8,Div.F
Alexander, Verlene 12/10/2020 N 5 4 SGS,SW1/4,Lt.4, Sq.5,Div.N
Garner, Rosie Lee Harrison 12/10/2020 N 2 20 NGS,SE1/4,Lt.20,Sq.2,Div.N
Carson, John Jr. 12/12/2020 N 5 17 SGS,SW1/4,Lt.17,Sq.5,Div.N
Smith, Gloria Faye 12/12/2020 N 6 1 NGS,SW1/4,Lt.1,Sq.6,Div.N
Smth, Leon Jr. 12/12/2020 N 6 1 SGS,NW1/4,Lt.1,Sq.6,Div.N
Sims, Wille Mae 12/13/2020 F 116 5 SGS, NE1/4, Lt.5, N1/2,Sq.116, Div.F
