
Use the Search option to locate a burial record. The search system will find all records that contain any part of the text you enter. The Deceased Name, Original Purchaser and Notes fields are searched simultaneously. If you click on the Deceased Name or the Original Purchaser a detailed view of the record is displayed. You can then use the NEXT and PREV links to scroll the database one record at a time. From the detail view, click the database name to return to the list view. Use the navigation links at the bottom of each list to navigate multiple pages.

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* These records only go back to 1967.

Name Burial Date Division Square Lot Description
Carter, Mary E. 06/20/2015 F 3 24 SGS NE1/4Lt 24 Sq3 Div F N/W
Sims Linda Sue Williams 06/23/2015 F 3 24 NGS SE1/4 Lt24 Sq3 Div F N/W
Royal, Karlisha S. 06/24/2015 J 5 4 SGS NW1/4 Lt4 Sq 5 Div J
Lundin,Nan Jean Cashman 06/25/2015 C 244 1 NGS N/W1/4 Lt 1 Sq 244 Div C
Sister Teresa Finnegan 06/26/2015 A 224 Sisters of Mercy Lot
Sims, Charlie 06/27/2015 J 13 9 SGS S/W 1/4 Lt 9 Sq 13 Div J.
Smith, Larry J. 06/27/2015 F 3 14 NGS SE1/4 Lt 14 Sq 3 oversized 36" Coffin FN/W
Brown, Roy Calvin 06/27/2015 M 5 90 NGS S/E1/4 Lt90 Sq 5 Div M
Lowery,Ruthelea H. 06/27/2015 E 196 4 SGS S/E1/4 Lt 4 Sq 196 Div E
Donerson, Estell 06/28/2015 F 116 9 NGS SW 1/4 Lt 9 Sq 116 Div F
Miller, Arthur J. Jr. 07/02/2015 F 60 2 SGS NE1/4 Lt 2 Sq 60 Div F
Fuller, Mary Lee 07/03/2015 M 1 96 NGS SW 1/4 Lt 96 Sq 1 Div M
Williams, Matthew Jr. 07/03/2015 F 74 7 SGS NW 1/4 Lt 7 Sq 74 Div F
Wright, Clyde Lester 07/05/2015 M 5 53 NGS SW 1/4 Lt 5 Sq 53 Div M
Kaiser, Ruddie Mae Walker 07/05/2015 F 3 15 NGS SW 1/4 Lt 15 Sq 3 Div F N/W
Brooks, Ida 07/06/2015 F 3 14 SGS SE 1/4 Lt 14 Sq 3 Div F N/W
Campbell, Travis L. 07/07/2015 C 45 4 SGS NE1/4 Lt 4 Sq 45A Div C Buried with wife-Peggy
Overton, Anthony 07/10/2015 F O O NGS NW1/4 Lt W Sq 80 Div F
Kaufman, Frances M. 07/11/2015 B 63 5 SGS SW 1/4 Lt 5 Sq 63 Div B
Hogan, Dennis 07/14/2015 J 2 3 SGS SE1/4Lt3 Sq2 Div J
