Phone: 601-634-4528
Fax: 601-619-7885
Subdivision Plat Approval Process
Land developers looking to develop a subdivision must visit the City of Vicksburg Planning Department. The purpose of this visit is to insure that the intended use of the land meets with the zoning guidelines and comprehensive plan of the City of Vicksburg.
Before submitting your subdivision preliminary plat, the city recommends meeting with the City Planner, Zoning Administrator, Public Works Director, Fire Chief and the Building & Inspection Director (also known as City Staff). This initial meeting can help you to have a better understanding of the City's development ordinances, avert potential pitfalls before they occur. The Building & Inspection Department can provide you with a list of what is required for Preliminary Plat approval. Once you have completed the preliminary plat, submit 5 copies to the Building & Inspection Department. The department requires plans to be prepared by a state-registered engineer, architect, or land surveyor.
City Staff will review the preliminary plat and make recommendations to the engineer and or developer. Once the preliminary plat has been approved by Staff, construction plans will be submitted to the Public Works Director for review and compliance with City ordinances. Once the construction plans have been approved the infrastructure can be built for the development in accordance with the approved plans. Once the infrastructure is in place and the Public Works Director has approved the work then the Board of Mayor and Aldermen must approve the final plat before a building permit can be issued.
For more information regarding the subdivision plat process, contact the City of Vicksburg Building & Inspection Department located at 805 South Street, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, or call them at (601) 634-4528 or the Public Works Department located at 1413 Walnut Street, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, or call them at (601) 634-4555.