Phone: 601-634-4528
Fax: 601-619-7885
Fire Codes and Inspections
Any building or inhabitable structure, non-residential or residential, that is erected or modified in the City of Vicksburg must meet the current edition of the Standard Fire Code and Life Safety Code. This code prescribes regulations for the identification and correction of fire safety measures including general and emergency exits, building evacuation routes, fire walls, fire protection equipment, and storage and handling of hazardous materials. These requirements must be met and approved by the City of Vicksburg Fire Department before a certificate of occupancy can be issued.
To request a fire inspection, please contact the City of Vicksburg Fire Department and give them relevant permit numbers, the time and date you would like the inspection, where the inspection will occur, and the name of the contractor. Allow a minimum of 24 hours from the time of your request for a fire inspector to inspect your site.
For more information about the current edition of the Standard Fire Code or the Life Safety Code or to set up a fire inspection, stop by the Fire Department located at, 1630 Walnut Street between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or call them at (601) 634-4566.