Phone: 601-634-4528
Fax: 601-619-7885
Building Inspections
The City of Vicksburg will inspect all projects that have been issued a permit. The Building & Inspection Department will perform, depending on the scope of work, nine required inspections:
1. Setback and Site Inspection
2. Rough Plumbing Inspection
3. Sewer Inspection
4. Foundation inspection
5. Framing
6. Fireplace Inspection
7. Electrical Final Inspection
8. Gas test
9. Final inspection
Electrical, mechanical and plumbing inspections all require a rough-in inspection and a final inspection. Other inspections vary due to the types of construction and permits issued.
When requesting an inspection, please provide the type of inspection needed and relevant permit numbers, the time and date you would like the inspection, where the inspection will occur and the name of the contractor. Allow a minimum of 24 hours from the time of your request until a building inspector inspects your site. After the inspection has been completed, the inspector will mark the inspection card that was provided you at the issuance of the permit, notifying you if your inspection passed or failed. If you are requesting an inspection or would like more information, stop by the Building & Inspection Department located at 805 South Street, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00p.m. Monday through Friday, or call the department at (601) 634-4528.